November 02, 2004

Iteration 2: Planning Game

This week, I plan to deliver posts on the disconnect that exists between the "Business" and "IT" when it comes to XP.

Still in the story pot:

Story ID: 1 (from Iteration 1 Planning Game)

  1. Create blog (Estimate: .2) (Status: done)
  2. Publish blog (Estimate: .2) (Status: done)
  3. Communicate blog address to trusted contacts (Estimate: 1) (Status: done >> will need V2 for increased value though)
  4. Publicise blog (Estimate: 5) (Status: done)
New stories:

Story ID: 2.1

Estimate: 3.5
Type: BAU
Status: Complete (will require V2 for further value release)
Value: 5

As a project manager, I want to highlight some of the disconnect I have witnessed between the "Business" and "IT" when it comes to using XP so that I can compare it with other people's experience.

Acceptance criteria:

  1. Posts must clearly have both Business and IT as central stakeholder's
  2. Posts should present disconnects

  1. Do retrospective on the last 2 years in terms of disconnect between Business and IT (Estimate: 1) (Status: done will need V2)
  2. Break down output into themes (Estimate: .5) (Status: done will need V2)
  3. Create and post blogs (Estimate: 2) (Status: done)


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