Release 5: Downward Nobility and XP
I like this article from Watts Wackers...
In the Futurology Decoder Key section, he goes:
" A good futurist is a good historian. So, to envision the downwardly noble future, I frame the five eras of humanity -- hunter-gatherer, agricultural, industrial, information, and coming soon, the dream society -- with societal templates. How are interactions organized in each of those eras? Tribes, families, hierarchies, networks -- and now neo-tribes. What's the dominant physical structure? Tent, farm, factory, office -- and theme park. Dominant person? Chief, head of household, capitalist, knowledge worker -- and storyteller. Now, take status. What are the status symbols? Being old, owning land, material possession, access to information -- and now spiritual experiences. Try it with any category -- weapons, modes of travel, mission of life -- and you'll begin to build a detailed picture of the future. "
What are the dominant Organisation forms in each of those eras?
Dictatorial, Collegiate, Bureaucratic, Innovative --- and now?
What would be the downward nobility attribute for today's organisations?
And how would XP fit in this new organisation?
Whatever it is, I believe that practicing XP in an organisation that allows and encourages it is on the way to be able to enter a room and state "I am a happy person!"