June 03, 2005

Iteration 7: Planning Game

"I am reading a few books at the moment, and I am also gearing up for some events for the end of the year. I will talk about both these things in this iteration".

New stories:

Story ID: 7.1
Estimate: 5
Type: BAU
Status: Started
Value: 5


There are some books that I am reading at the moment that have content that might be of interest for the Agile community. I want to share some of the ideas they present on this blog so that a/ I can remember them in the future and b/ see if my perception of their possible relation with XP is shared with other people.

Acceptance criteria:

- The source of the concept is stated

- The concept is explained
- My thoughts are explained


- Do list of books/articles I am currently reading
- Retrieve quote/concept from each of them

Story ID: 7.2
Estimate: 5
Type: BAU
Status: Started
Value: 5


I am planned to go/participate to a few events. This is a good way for me to make sure that people who read this blog know where I will be so that maybe we can plan to have a chat there.

Acceptance criteria:

- Where and when I go is stated
- What I will do there is explained


- Do list of events I am planned to go to between now and end of the year

- Describe what I go there for
- Describe any other outcome I intend to achieve there


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