December 02, 2004

Release 3: The eXtreme Analysis proposition...

Here is a case study I have presented at the last XP Day in London.

It is about helping projects being agile from start to finish... XP expects stories, but no story can be produced without some analysis being conducted. This is not the "start to finish" solution yet (missing the initiation stage and integration at programme level), but it is a step in the right direction.

The basic case study description is as follows:

Problem: we only know how to do waterfall type analysis (so far)
Solution: use XA (eXtreme Analysis).

The presentation can be found and downloaded at (note: Download it and open it locally rather than using your browser)

If you have problems getting to it, drop me a mail and I'll send it direct.

Iteration 3: Planning Game

I will focus on promoting eXtreme Analysis for this iteration (at least).

New stories:

Story ID: 3.1

Estimate: 0.3
Type: BAU
Status: Started
Value: 10

As a coach, I want to share and get feed back on the eXtreme Analaysis concept I presented at XP Day last week so that I can get a feeling of how urgent for practitioners and project sponsors it is to focus on value rather than IT product or feature based deliveries.

Acceptance criteria:
  1. Post must incent people to want to know more
  2. Case study must be downloadable
  3. Feed back can be received

  1. Upload eXtreme Analysis presentation to public location (Estimate .1) (Status: Done)
  2. Create post and provide link (Estimate .2) (Status: Started)

December 01, 2004

Iteration 2: Retrospective


2 blog entries created. Still a lot more to say on the subject.

Measured Velocity: 3.5 points
Measured Value: 5

What worked well:

  1. Still managed to create 2 entries
  2. have started to work on network to make blog a bit more public. Tim Bacon's blog link in now available from this site, and Tim's will do the same from his. More syndication in the pipe
  3. Outside the blog world, my intervention on eXtreme Analysis at XP Day in London was well received and generated quite a lot of interest

What did not work so well:

  1. only two entries
  2. not enough time to work on the blog


  1. I need to find a way to publish my work on XA to a widder audience. It may be that blogs are not the best appraoch. I need to find out and estimate the time required to publish.

  1. Plan/book time to work on blog more effectively
  2. Research best publishing strategy for XA findings and next steps