December 02, 2004

Iteration 3: Planning Game

I will focus on promoting eXtreme Analysis for this iteration (at least).

New stories:

Story ID: 3.1

Estimate: 0.3
Type: BAU
Status: Started
Value: 10

As a coach, I want to share and get feed back on the eXtreme Analaysis concept I presented at XP Day last week so that I can get a feeling of how urgent for practitioners and project sponsors it is to focus on value rather than IT product or feature based deliveries.

Acceptance criteria:
  1. Post must incent people to want to know more
  2. Case study must be downloadable
  3. Feed back can be received

  1. Upload eXtreme Analysis presentation to public location (Estimate .1) (Status: Done)
  2. Create post and provide link (Estimate .2) (Status: Started)


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