August 25, 2005

Iteration 7: Retrospective


I have published two entries in this Iteration. I have released some of the value I described during my planning game, but not all. There are still some non-XP related litterature that I am sure I could have mentioned here.

What worked well:

2 posts, and some comments!!! Boy, are some people actually readin my blog? am I getting famous? (thanks for your comment James ;-)))

What did not work so well:

The 2 comments I got were:
1- spelling mistake...
2- somebody who disagrees with me!!! (I know, that is actually a GOOD thing). But still...
3- it has taken me an awfull long time to do this retrospective and get starting on the next iteration!!!


I still wish I could find a bit more time to work on this blog.... Repeat from Iteration 6, 5, 4...


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